09 November 2012
ECOmove offers a solution that addresses both issues. In fact, the all-in-one wheel motor unit is probably the most efficient on the market. The ECOmove wheel motor unit is a fully functional drivetrain with motors, brakes and suspension system built in. With strict objectives of reducing the weight and the number of parts, the design team came up with an uncomplicated and compact unit, which is based on a unique suspension system in composite materials that eliminates the need for bearings and springs. This system is now patented and ready to be manufactured at low cost.
With only a few parts, and a minimum of them moving, maintenance requirements are very limited. This is supported by the engine performing up to 80% of the braking, resulting in less wear on the mechanical brakes, and the fact that no oil changes are required.
As an off-the-shelf solution, the wheel motor unit is mounted separately and with no axel. The unit is easily accessible and as a unique feature, it can be dismounted and replaced or maintained on-site.
The modular design provides the system with a high level of flexibility and customizability. Depending on the application, the wheel unit can be configured as active or non-active on functions such as turning, braking and engine.