We regret to announce that, after almost 8 years of development and efforts to offer a simple solar autonomous alternative to private transportation, we have decided not to continue with the evovelo project. Due to the enormous difficulties in raising funds and the current climate of uncertainty, we have made the decision to put the project up for sale, as it has not been possible for us to successfully complete the production of the first mö units.
We are hopeful that maybe another company will be able to fulfill what we began and we are open to proposals. We are very proud of the whole community that has been created around our project and we sincerely hope that other alternatives will emerge that will inspire us as much as mö did.
mö is a Solar bio-hybrid vehicle for the everyday commute. Practical, agile and versatile, it’s an innovative and ultra-efficient urban vehicle. It combines the advantages of a car such as safety, weather protection and comfort, with the low energy consumption and space utilization of a light electric vehicle. The portable battery system, flexible cargo capabilities and gearshift system, makes it easy to integrate into the existing infrastructure of day-to-day life. mö charges through built-in solar panels to restore energy into the removable battery, which can also be charged via electric mains. Using a socially responsible highly cost effective management system, its design takes into account the durability of materials and systems, with priority on: safety, sustainability, maximum longevity, reliability and low maintenance. It represents a very real alternative to private transportation in urban and peri-urban areas and its versatility can extend to tourist, leisure and institutional sectors of any size.
A singular and very futuristic idea, which, unfortunately, and as usually happens with many great ideas we have here in Spain, does not bear fruit and leaves no option to reach reality as an alternative vehicle. Always the same issue: lack of funding.

17 June 2020
The Evovelo project Mö does not continue