The Quantino48Volt, built by the nanoFlowcell holding from Liechtenstein, has more than 350.000 kilometers covered till today. Every single kilometre driven is a testament to the technical stability of the flowcell-based 48-volt low-voltage electric drive. Furthermore, the QUANTiNO 48VOLT with nanoFlowcell® sets itself apart from conventional electric vehicles with lithium-ion batteries or fuel cells when it comes to performance, safety, environmental compatibility and ease of maintenance.
Although the QUANTiNO 48VOLT is a prototype vehicle that has been subjected to a punishing test regime, its powertrain ran with absolutely no problems throughout the entire duration of the test. Despite the more than 10,000 running hours, neither the membrane nor the two electric pumps showed any signs of wear whatsoever. The nanoFlowcell® system ran virtually maintenance free. Occasional updates to the intelligent control software for the energy management in the QUANTiNO 48VOLT were uploaded, but only to improve system efficiency.
The QUANTiNO 48VOLT has returned an average consumption of just 8 kW to 10 kW per 100 kilometres.
At around 600 Euros, the nanoFlowcell® is not only considerably less expensive to mass produce, its structure also has virtually no maintenance requirements. This means a significant reduction in costs incurred by inspection and maintenance. Over and above that, nanoFlowcell Holdings guarantees an operating life for the nanoFlowcell® of at least 50,000 hours – well beyond the average vehicle lifespan.
nanoFlowcell Holdings is currently working hard on solutions for series-production of the nanoFlowcell® membrane as well as mass production of the bi-ION® electrolyte liquids

14 April 2019
350.000 Electric Kilometers with the Quantino48Volt