In 1896, Queen Maria Cristina of Habsburg and Lorraine used an electric carriage developed by the Spanish engineer Ramón Gabarró y Julién in London, an elegant carriage carrying batteries weighing only 100 kilograms. Years later, in 1904, King Alfonso XIII was seen using an electric car of the French brand Gallia.
My first book of the saga "Stories of the electric car", a book entitled "The Pioneers - 160 km/h and 307 km of range 1870-1906" is full of curious stories about the beginning of the E-Mobility. One of them is this story of the electric vehicles used by Spanish Queen and King.
My first book is already on sale in bookstores throughout Spain, but can also be purchased through the website Together with the second book, titled "Silent and Clean - Electricity Against Water and Oil 1905-1936", about to leave the printer, they would be an optimal gift for anyone, since with their warm and very dedicated texts to the subject of society - and not mainly to the technique - is not only a pleasant reading, but, with its more than 300 images in 120 pages, a visual pleasure.

12 October 2017
DID YOU KNOW: Spanish King and Queen used electric vehicles
V. Christian Manz
TagsLos Pioneros