Since we opened a branch of Prestige Electric Car on the Canary Island Tenerife we cannot stop speaking about ships, vessels and other marine vehicles with alternative propulsion. Here we present the most exciting project for an alternative cruise ship, called to turn into the flagship of the sustainability for the navigation in general.
Billed as the “world’s greenest” cruise ship, the Ecoship, promoted by the Japanese NGO "Peace Boat", will be equipped with a “future-ready” hybrid engine and will run on cleaner fuels. According to Dr Andrés Molina, Ecoship project manager, the “propulsion system will combine some of the most forward-looking elements that the industry has developed and, without any doubt, break new ground in how natural propulsion is perceived in cruising”.
His exterior design, inspired by the silhouette of a whale, includes 10 big retractable sails in his top cover, formed by solar panels that will supply energy to the ship. The cruise ship of about 55.000 tons will have space for more than thousand passengers and could start to be used in 2020.
"The Peace Boat Ecoship Project is our vision and our message – for a global culture of peace and sustainability. The Ecoship project is a transformational programme to construct the planet’s most environmentally sustainable cruise ship. A vessel that will deliver for its passengers a unique programme of activities centred on experiential learning, intercultural communication and travel around the world."

27 May 2016
Ecoship, the world`s greenest cruise ship