Anthony Clyde and Daryl Neal from New Zealand are the brains behind Ubco. They each have worked independently in the e-bike industry for a decade, but, once they put their heads together, they set their sights on creating a lightweight electric offroad bike that can carry tools and be used in an agricultural environment.
They worked with offshore supply chain partners to develop and engineer a frame. After six months of intensive work, their first prototype of the electric farm bike debuted – still unpainted – at the 2014 Fieldays. Since then, the 2×2 has been extensively tested and redesigned to the bike you see today.
Ubco aims to smash your farming limitations and integrate seamlessly into your daily work and leisure life. The 2×2 is environmentally friendly and cost efficient without losing power or grunt, as well as being lightweight and versatile. It’s a disruptive piece of technology that opens doors in the agricultural sector – redefining the way you work outdoors.
This motorbike have two motor of 1kW each one and a maximun torque of 90 Nm. The battery is a lithium-ion with 2kWh, with this combination the morotbike have a range of 70-120 kilometres and a maximun speed of 45km/h. Ubco 2X2 have a front suspensión of travel 110 mm and two rear suspensión of travel 120mm perfect for country life.

17 September 2015
Ubco Bikes, electric bike for farmers