The Spanish company Eco Motor Electric presents a new electric bike specially prepared for urban cleaning.
This vehicle is an electric bicycle with two front wheels prepared to support the installation of a 120 liters rubbish bin, to be used iby public or private institutions for the cleaning of cities and urban areas. The bicycle comes with a lithium-ion battery 10Ah / 4.2V and 320W power, with a safety valve and an electronic system protecting against over-load.
Considering the average work of this bicycle from EcoLimpio in an 8-hour shift, the range would be between 17 and 22 km. In case more range will be needed, you can change the battery on a very easy way and recharge the other one with a domestic galvanic charger, which, besides beeing small, can charge the battery in less than 4 hours, increase the longevity of the battery and permitting any plug.
This battery powered a brushless motor maintenance free with a nominal power of 350W, and a pèak power of nearly 900W, This vehicle has a CE certificate of manufacture and can be driven like a bicycle in urban areas.

29 May 2015
Eco Limpio, an electric bike for urban cleaning