Fido Motors started as a result of Jeb Gast’s search for the electric scooter that could compete with modern gasoline scooters. Electric scooters offer advantages to gasoline scooters in a number of ways. They are clean, low-maintenance, reliable, quiet, and fun to ride.
In 2008, after starting Soundspeed Scooters in Seattle as a dedicated electric scooter shop, Jeb quickly began to realize that the scooters he could offer his customers were not the quality of design and build that he or his customers expected.
Currently you cannot find a simply designed electric scooter. Most are overly complicated electric conversions of poorly made gas scooters with low top speeds, limited range, long charging times and poor build quality. They also have yet to appeal to urban commuters. Jeb wanted an electric scooter that could give the rider everything they were looking for along with an elegant, simple design.
He thought you should be able to carry everything you need in the glove-box and be able to charge your battery in your 3rd floor apartment without dragging the scooter up the stairs or hanging an extension cord out the window. It should be comfortable, easy to ride, and look great doing it. While these ideas seem obvious, Jeb couldn’t find one to sell. So, he set out to make it himself.
The ingenuity of Fido's design lies in its simplicity, offering its owner the ability to maintain the scooter without costly trips to a mechanic or the manufacturer. Every aspect of Fido was engineered for efficiency: custom shaped lithium ion batteries that double as the foot rest, a large floor board area for transporting cargo, fully adjustable seating and an array of cargo accessories. Says Fido Motors owner and designer Jeb Gast, "It took a lot of work to make (Fido) this simple."
The Fido electric scooter has a 45 mph top speed (72kph), approximately 40 miles per charge (64km) and a low maintenance.

28 November 2014
Fido electric scooter - genial simplicity