The German Dr. Peter Maskus, engineer, economist and expert on bionics (biological solutions for art) proposes the Acabion not only as a car for the future, but as an alternative transportation system that breaks all known and catapults us to a future full of hope.
The Acabion has a similar aesthetic of a supersonic aircraft but is not looking to fly, but especially for saving energy and to be environmentally friendly. The vehicle, completed and fully operational, carryies a 770 hp engine and could reach a speed of 800 km/h, limited to not producing such challenges. It is highly streamlined, more than any current automobile, and it is lightweight and therefore highly efficient. As human beeing moves only on two supports, the Acabion used here two wheels, fully sufficient.
Equipped with this powerful petrol engine the Acabion will spend no more than 2.5 liters per 100 kilometers, while on an electric version, with an engine of 68 hp and a top speed of about 340 km/h, the car would reach a range of over 1000 kilometers.
It is a point of view of what can be developed in the future, but at the same time is real, because it exists and circulates. Currently Dr. Peter Maskus has come to crowdfunding, a financing shared system among many people, to manufacture a small serie ofthis automobile. The idea is to get the investment to started with the real adventure. More information on the website of the company
Dr. Peter Maskus is a visionary, but also realistic. He ranks his Acabion (composed of the word Acadia - a stunning natural park in the US - and bionics, the science that seeks to study the nature and apply it to the art) as the transport of the future, because all is possible starting with this idea of the two-wheeler. These vehicles could move at high speeds on narrow platforms above the road, and might also have more wheels and room for more people. They might work with any liquid, gas or component showing that does not harm our planet, whenever the minimum consumption would be achieved.
"We never has invented the automobile," says Maskus, who believes that what has been done is equip a horse-carriage with an engine. Tthe modern SUV remains the same criteria as the carriage: four wheels on the ends, side entrances, and squared off the ground, and nothing more. Burn tons of oil for a silly idea of a wrong concept!
True innovation is not perfect, it's different. It will take up to go to reality, until it works perfectly. Let us remember the first helicopters, a disaster, turned and did not work; but it was a totally valid innovation. Why can not a car have only two wheels? This allows perfect aerodynamic shape, without resistance or above or below the body. We have two good legs and stay in balance ... and this is what future vehicles can do.
photos: courtesy Acabion

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V. Christian Manz
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